The Fourier Formalism

The Fourier Formalism

The Fourier formalism is described by Marsh et al 2022. Marsh et al. showed that, to leading order in \(g_{a\gamma}\), the conversion probability \(P_{\gamma_i\to a}\) (with \(i\in [x,y]\)) can be related to \(\Delta_i(z)\), or equivalently, the magnetic field profile along the line of sight \(B_i(z)\), using Fourier-like transforms. Although this treatment breaks down when the conversion probabilities exceed 5-10 per cent, it is an extremely useful framework when considering how different magnetic field treatments affect the conversion probability.

In this description, we will focus on a polarized beam using the \(x\)-component only. The unpolarised survival probability can always be obtained directly from

\[P_{\gamma\gamma} = (1 - P_{\gamma a}) = 1 - \frac{1}{2} \left( P_{\gamma_{x}\rightarrow a} + P_{\gamma_{y}\rightarrow a} \right),\]

ALPro comes with routines for applying the Fourier formalism in the massless and massive regimes. More information can be found under Examples & Tutorials.

Massive ALPs

In the massive ALP (\(m_a \gg \omega_{\rm pl}\)) case and focusing on the $x$-component only, the conversion probability can be written as

\[P_{\gamma_x \to a}(\eta) = {\cal F}_s( \Delta_{x})^2 + {\cal F}_c( \Delta_{x})^2\]


\[{\cal F}_c = \int^\infty_0 f(z) \cos(\eta z) dz\]


\[{\cal F}_s = \int^\infty_0 f(z) \sin(\eta z) dz\]

denote the cosine and sine transforms using a conjugate variable \(\eta=m_a^2/2E\). By applying the Wiener Khinchin theorem, the conversion probability can also be expressed in terms of a cosine transform of the autocorrelation function of the line-of-sight magnetic field, \(c_{B_x}\), as

\[P_{\gamma_x \to a}(\eta) = \frac{g_{a\gamma}^2}{2} {\cal F}_c \Big( c_{B_x}(L)\Big).\]

Massless ALPs

In the massless case (\(m_a \ll \omega_{\rm pl}\)), the same formalism applies if we transform to new variables. Specifically, \(\Delta_x\) is replaced by the function \(G=2 \Delta_x/\omega_{\rm pl}^2\), the line of sight distance coordinate is replaced by a phase factor proportional to the electron column density

\[\varphi=\frac{1}{2}\int_0^z{\rm d}z^\prime\omega_{\rm pl}^2(z^\prime),\]

and the conjugate Fourier variable is \(\lambda=1/E\). With these transformations, \(\Delta_x\) is replaced by the function \(G=2 \Delta_x/\omega_{\rm pl}\) with a coordinate change from \(z\) to a phase \(\varphi\), and a conjugate variable \(\lambda=1/E\). Nevertheless, the basic principle is similar to the massive ALP case, as the conversion probability can still be expressed as a simple transform of a function of the line of sight perpendicular magnetic field.